Write a five paragraph essay
Essay Topics Western Civilization High School
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Mannerism and the Baroque age Essay Example For Students
Characteristic and the Baroque age Essay Characteristic, which actually implies style, was a period in European craftsmanship that started in Italy in the last long periods of the Renaissance and went on until it was supplanted by Baroque, around 1520 to 1600. During this time, youthful specialists were attempting to build up their own style, with another way to deal with painting and translation of the human experience. They had their challenges in a manner of speaking. For all intents and purposes everything that should be possible, had been finished. The craftsmen of the Renaissance, experts, for example, Raphael and Michelangelo, examined the human structure and nature for motivation. Their specialty was adjusted and agreeable. The extents of their subjects were valid and their craft was regularly strict in nature. Mannerist, in any case, regularly painted their subjects with lopsided highlights, for example, lengthened necks and appendages. Open spaces were loaded up with items or fugues that were frequently pointless. Subjects presents were regularly troublesome, if certainly feasible, for a genuine human to accomplish, hues conflicted, and topics were frequently terrible and threatening, mirroring the change of Europe as of now. During the sixteenth century, Rome was sacked, finishing the Italian Renaissance, the Catholic Church was losing ground during the Protestant Reformation, the Eighty-years War flooded in the Netherlands and Spain, and the Plague slaughtered millions across Europe and Asia. Many felt the lopsided tone of Mannerism was a dismissal of the equalization of the High Renaissance and the optimism it spoke to (Smyth). Elaborate style began in the late sixteenth century and included workmanship, music and design. Initially significance unpleasant pearl, Baroque is presently used to mean intricate or sensational. At that point, it was proposed to stimulate forceful feeling in TTS onlookers. During the Council of Trend (1545-1563), the Catholic Church concluded that craftsmen should render their strict attempts to educate the uneducated, as opposed to the proficient. They requested that the message ought to be immediate and that it ought to summon forceful feelings for the watcher, unmistakably testing the Protestant Reformation and giving the Catholic Church back their picture of glory and eminence. In painting, Baroques authenticity was a reaction to the dream of Mannerism and the center moved back again from the craftsman to the subject. Extravagant specialists utilized a metal adjusted method, more extravagant hues, increasingly expound settings, and a more clear message. They introduced their craft at the peak of the activity, each piece recounting to a story, commonly utilizing all accessible space. Mannerist craftsmanship came up short on a story and was centered around the virtuosity of the craftsman. It was clever and overstated. Mannerist specialists engaged the insight and cleverness of workmanship benefactors, dismissing the firmness and convention of the Renaissance. Florid craftsmen endeavored to connect with the more passionate and sensible parts of life in their work, coming back to the magnificence of the Renaissance, without the requirement and convention during the Baroque age, the world was on a course of disclosure that would lead men to get life and our place known to man like never before previously. Sir Isaac Newton found the laws to gravity, Galileo watched heavenly presence utilizing the main telescopes, and doctors and researchers made enormous walks in understanding the activities of the human body. Craftsmen sensational utilization of lighting and space in their artistic creations mirrored this time of revelation and experimentation. (Schaller) In the Mannerist Bronzers Deposition of Christ (1540-1545), Chrisms body is held by the Virgin Mary and upheld by SST. John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene. They are encircled by spectators while occupied seraphs fill the air. The hues are brilliant pastels and the lighting is indistinct. The fingers and toes of each subject are stretched, similar to the neck of Mary Magdalene, and the appearances mirror a fairly nonpartisan passionate state. Their situating is effortless, yet unnatural. The people out of sight seem isolates and unbiased in the demise of Christ. Craftsmanship in the Baroque Period EssayOn perception, one can value the ability of the craftsman and is helped to remember the penance of Jesus at Calvary, yet the sentiments of distress and individual misfortune are missing as the painting takes on even more an enhancing tone Rueben Baroque work, The Descent from the Cross (1612-1614), delineates Chrisms body being expelled from the cross by eight people including, the Virgin Mary, Joseph of Reanimate, SST. John, and Mary Magdalene. The hues utilized are profound and rich. The activity occupies the whole space of the canvas and the developments and places of the subjects seem common and fitting. The dull, late tone of the setting is enlightened by divine light as it navigates the bleak, cloudy sky. Rueben extents are valid and one can feel the anguish of the members as they bring down their expired Lord. The repulsiveness existing apart from everything else is clear. In Baroque workmanship, the spectator is locked in with the work and can feel some portion of the activity (Hunt) Mannerist and Baroque styles rose up out of the age of the Renaissance as the world, tired of its optimistic pictures, looked for increasingly valid and imaginative depictions of life and presence. As the craftsmanship world moved from the firm and hopeful Renaissance to the passionate Baroque time frame, the far-fetched connect was the Mannerist style. In both The Descent from the Cross and Deposition of Christ, the craftsmen delineated the passing of Christ as a human catastrophe. In spite of the fact that Bronzers painting comes up short on the feeling and enduring of Rueben painting, the spectator of either work is compelled to consider the desolation of the Virgin Mary as she holds the assemblage of Jesus. The shading of Chrisms substance in the two works is reliable with death and we can start to comprehend the greatness of the penance that was made for the salvation of humanity. This change to authenticity had the effect of workmanship individual to all who saw it as craftsmanship supporters were not, at this point Just affluent blue-bloods, however regular residents, also. Fake flawlessness and static symbolism offered approach to smooth motion, disharmony, feeling, and a feeling of boundlessness. As much as Mannerist craftsmanship and Baroque workmanship contrasted, they were both liable for guiding out the traditional unbending nature and elegance of the Renaissance and permitting craftsmen to delineate the human condition in an increasingly enthusiastic and credible way. Regardless of whether Mannerism was too peculiar to even consider enduring, it permitted the world to request craftsmanship that everybody could relate to and appreciate. (Ornate) Baroque. (n. D. ). Recovered from scholastics. Savvy. Due/rebel/Survey of Art History II/Baroque. HTML web. 5 Deck 2013 Hunt, Martin, Rosenstein, and Smith . The Making of the West (third De. ). Boston: Bedford/SST. Martins. 2010 Print Smyth, Craig Hugh. 1992. Idiosyncrasy and Mariner, with a presentation by Elizabeth Cropper. Vienna Web. 5 Deck 2013 Schaller, G. Iconography of Christian Art, Volvo. II, 1972 (English trans from German), Lund Humphreys, London, 2012 Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Myth and Measurement The New Economics of the Minimum Wage
Questions: 1. Investigate what happens when a higher the lowest pay permitted by law is instituted (raising a value floor on the cost of work). Will the quantity of laborers recruited change? Why? What may be a unintended result of a higher the lowest pay permitted by law intended to help low salary laborers? 2. Break down what happens when the cost of lease is controlled with the goal that costs are kept falsely low (a value roof). What will befall the accessibility of condos Why What may be a unintended result of a lease control? Answers: 1. A lowest pay permitted by law is considered as the most minimal pay that businesses may lawfully pay to workers. Thus, workers may not sell their work beneath the value floor. A value floor is a legitimate least wherein the administration doesn't encourage the cost of a decent or administration to diminish beneath the floor. The lowest pay permitted by law has expanded catalyst among approach creators as a technique to reduce rising compensation just as uniqueness of pay. Be that as it may, higher the lowest pay permitted by law or expanding value floor on the cost of work prompts work misfortune and likely greatness of those misfortunes. It has been anticipated by the standard model of serious work showcases that higher the lowest pay permitted by law is probably going to prompt loss of occupation among low-gifted representatives (Meer and West 2015). A coupling the lowest pay permitted by law that is set higher when contrasted with the serious harmony wage diminishes work for tw o purposes. Initially, the businesses will substitute away from the low-gifted physical work that is nearly exorbitant at present towards different data sources that incorporates capital. Both item and work request will be diminished because of higher the lowest pay permitted by law. The expansion in the lowest pay permitted by law is probably going to decrease the recruit of laborers and they will likewise terminate present specialists. As it were, a large portion of the organizations move towards computerization, at any rate halfway because of increment in least wages. Practically all the laborers have differing level of aptitudes and thus, higher the lowest pay permitted by law is probably going to change the quantity of laborers recruited as managers will enlist less number of low-gifted workers (Card and Krueger 2015). It is frequently naturally accepted by the administrators that they are in the business to illuminate issues. Lawmakers frequently imagine that placing more cash in the pockets of the poor is probably going to support their families. Nonetheless, enactment won't revoke the laws of financial aspects. As indicated by look into, commanded climbs in compensation forces genuine expenses of financial aspects and these expenses are primarily borne by the extremely singular officials are attempting to help. Be that as it may, it prompts a shocking endeavor to build least wages as it relies generally upon feeling as opposed to monetary reality. Associates for the most part delineate the average the lowest pay permitted by law worker as a performance parent who is battling to put food on the table. A dominant part of people began their existence with a lowest pay permitted by law work. It gave section to the market so as to increase accommodating abilities just as information that encouraged t hem to climb the stepping stool. Be that as it may, it comprises of a little subsection of the work power. As indicated by Card and Krueger (2016), placing more cash in the pockets of the poor didn't support poor people nonetheless; it cost them their employments. The higher the lowest pay permitted by law additionally negatively affected the minority business for the most part because of contrasts in level of aptitudes and instruction. 2. The administration control of the rents of houses just as condos is an excellent type of value control. Lease control is considered as a law putting a most extreme cost or a lease on what land owners may charge occupants. On the off chance that it is to have any effect, the degree of lease requires to be put at a rate beneath that which would some way or another be triumphed. Notwithstanding, if rents are founded lesser when contrasted with the degree of harmony, the amount requested will basically be more than the sum provided. Then again, lease control will prompt a lack of house spaces. In a serious market, if the amount of an item requested is more than the sum provided. The enormous interest in the non-controlled portion of the market is brought about by lease control that thus expands cost in the section. On account of value roofs, lease control prompts deficiencies just as abatement in the nature of the item. The amount of condos for rents will be far not exactly something else. Existing unit off unit charge inadequately under lease control (Ambrose, Eichholtz and Lindenthal 2013). Constrained development of lease hoses future interest in lodging and it blows up rents for unregulated units just as discourages occupants who secure units of lease controlled. The unintended just as undesirable results of attempts to incorporate lease control and least wages are generally straightforward. Lease control uncovers the entryway to disparity because of potential occupants that can't contend with one another by giving bigger lease to a condo. In a market that is left to its own strategies, each and every individual who wants a condo at the market cost gets one, and every individual who is eager to lease a loft at the market cost gets an inhabitant. Then again, under a free and serious market, a biased land owner would need to pay for his preference as subordinate benefits. As indicated by lease control wage law, people gain admittance to bring down quality rental lodging. Be that as it may, land owners have more vulnerable motivating forces to be scrupulous about support . With value control, people will have the option to modify the nature of the items just as administrations that they are buying and selling. Representatives need to pay for nourishments just as bosses that are utilized to offer. The lease control is considered as a strong just as counterproductive arrangement of lodging. Be that as it may, the law of lease control overlooks the fundamental laws of financial aspects that are related with business sectors for lodging (Kim 2015). References Ambrose, B.W., Eichholtz, P. also, Lindenthal, T., 2013. House costs and basics: 355 years of evidence.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,45(2?3), pp.477-491. Card, D. also, Krueger, A.B., 2015.Myth and estimation: the new financial aspects of the lowest pay permitted by law. Princeton University Press. Card, D. also, Krueger, A.B., 2016. Presentation and Overview [Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage Twentieth-Anniversary Edition].Introductory Chapters. Kim, J.R., 2015. What Drives the Price-Rent Ratio in the UK Housing Market? An Unobserved Component Approach.Journal of Marketing and Management,6(2), p.74. Meer, J. also, West, J., 2015. Impacts of the lowest pay permitted by law on business dynamics.Journal of Human Resources.
Friday, August 21, 2020
HOW TO Filter Tweets And Facebook Updates
HOW TO Filter Tweets And Facebook Updates Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!HOW TO: Filter Tweets And Facebook UpdatesUpdated On 21/06/2015Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : GuidesShort URL : http://hbb.me/1IWMEdL CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogToday Social Media is used for, well, almost anything and everything. Particularly Twitter and Facebook. Today I thought of sharing some useful stuffs related to them. Below I mentioned two useful scripts Filter Tweets (script for filtering tweets) and Filter FB Updates (script for filtering Facebook updates). You can use these scripts for filtering specific topic.Using Greasemonkey you can use these scripts. It is an extension for Mozilla Firefox, an open source Web Browser and I recommend you to use the latest version of the browser. Most userscripts are written for Mozilla Firefox Greasemonkey alone. But there are some scripts which works in Opera, Safari and even Internet Explorer too. These scripts are developed by @varunkumar.#1 Filter Tweets : Filter Tweets is a script for filtering tweets about a specific topic. Works only with the new Twitter version.Features of Filter TweetsFilter out a personFilter out keywordsRemove hyperlinksFiltered count indicatorRemembering the filter settings#2 Filter FB updates : Filter Facebook Updates is a script for filtering Facebook updates about a specific topic.Features of Filter FB UpdatesFilter out topicsFiltered count indicatorRemember your settingsDo tell me which script you found the most useful and also share your opinions below as comments. READHoliday Tweet Drive 2010 Donate Toys and Food To Disadvantaged Kids [TWEETUP]
Monday, May 25, 2020
Obesity As Abnormal Or Excessive Fat Accumulation
WHO (2015) defines obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation. Obesity and being overweight may cause health impairments such as cardiovascular diseases, mainly heart disease and stroke, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and some cancers. BMI (body mass index) is used for classifying adult obesity. The index is calculated by a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of his/her height in meters (BMI ≠¥ 25 = overweight, BMI ≠¥ 30 = obesity) (WHO, 2015). The Ministry of Health in NZ reported that, compared to non-Maori, Maori adults are facing more health risks like smoking, hazardous drinking, obesity, being physically inactive, asthma and psychological distress, and Maori children also have slightly higher obesity rates that non-Maori children. They concluded that three in ten adults (31%) were obese in New Zealand, a 29% increase since 2011/12 (Ministry of Health, 2015). This paper analyses Maori obesity through their worldview of wellbeing, dis cusses both the implications on obesity for Maori wellbeing and the crown’s responsibility to change the state of obesity in Maori, and analyses through a social lense. Finally I would like to discuss how I can apply all my knowledge to improve Maori wellbeing. First of all, Maori have their wellbeing models, and these are Te Whare Tapa Wha, Te Wheke and Te Pae Mahutonga (Ministry of Health, 2015b). Common to these models are the fundamental dimensions of wellbeing: physical, spiritual, mental, family andShow MoreRelatedCause and Effect of Obesity Essay1057 Words  | 5 Pagescom/articles/obesity.html Overweight and obesity is the second leading cause of death, killing 300,000 people a year, ... There is not a miracle pill that will lead to weight loss ~ Richard Carmona Obesity is perhaps one of the most dangerous health problems increasing at an alarming rate due to various factors most of which are related to the changing lifestyles. Here is some basic information about obesity. What is obesity? Obesity is a condition where the fat layer accumulates in the body toRead MoreChildhood Obesity Worldwide and in Hong Kong921 Words  | 4 PagesSignificance of Childhood Obesity Worldwide and in Hong Kong 1.1.1 Definition of Childhood Obesity Overweight and obesity are defined as â€Å"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents risk to health†(1), in which overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water while obesity is defined as having excess body fat (2). Body Mass Index (BMI) is a commonly used and highly practical measure to indicate overweight and obesity, in which the person’sRead MoreObesity : The Type Of Food You Eat Will Affect Your General Health? Essay1473 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to â€Å"The Campaign to end Obesity†, this is a developing reality as overweight people now outnumber normal measured Americans. According to ‘Medical-Dictionary.thefreedictionary.com,†Obesity itself is a condition in which describes a person, due to their excessive accumulation and storage of fat. This occurs when a person takes in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities. Resulting in a body mass index of 30 or greater. As, Obesity is linked to more than sixty chronicRead MoreThe Health Of The Youth Of Australia Face798 Words  | 4 Pages(Eckersley 2008). After thorough research into the health impediments the youth of Australia face, it was found that the most predominant biophy sical and psychosocial issues that influence their quality of life and are subsequently correlated are: obesity, diabetes, anxiety and major depressive disorder. Though some mental disorders such as ADHD are more common than that of anxiety disorders, they do not have as much of an impact on quality of life, therefore these health issues will not be includedRead MoreObesity : A Top Problem For Public Health1706 Words  | 7 PagesA Review of the Literature Obesity, a top problem for public health, is a global epidemic that kills no less than 2.8 million people every year. Obesity is a significant factor for many diseases which include Type 2 diabetes, some cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Many at times, being overweight is mistaken for being obese. Being overweight or obese means having abnormal or excessive fat accumulations respectively that could have negative health effects. BMI, body mass index, was introduced toRead MorePhysical Causes And Complications Of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome701 Words  | 3 Pagesincreased risk of cardiovascular disease †¢ type 2 diabetes or prediabetes †¢ non-alcoholic steatohepatitis which is a severe liver inflammation caused by fat accumulation in the liver †¢ sleep aponea †¢ depression, anxiety and eating disorders †¢ abnormal uterine bleeding †¢ Cancer of the uterine lining (endometrial cancer) PCOS is associated with obesity which can worsen complications due to the disorder. The gynaecologist will discuss your personal and family history with you. Your specialist is likelyRead MoreIs Obesity a Disease?994 Words  | 4 PagesIs Obesity a Disease? After a long day of work or school, we have the choice to prepare ourselves a healthy meal or to get something quick and easy from the drive-through or a quick microwaveable dinner. Many of us do not have the time, or just simply choose not prepare healthy meals or exercise and it shows in our waistline. From the abundance of fast food chains on every corner to television and video games it is no wonder why we are putting on extra pounds. Obesity is caused by an unhealthy andRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity Essay1169 Words  | 5 PagesObesity Obesity refers to excess body fat while overweight refers to excess body weight in terms of excess fat, muscles, bone or water. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) (2009–2010), about 69% of the adult population in the U.S. is overweight or obese, with more than 78 million adults being obese. Consistent with the survey, at least 2 in 3 adults are overweight or obese and more than 1 in 3 adults are obese. In addition, more than 1 in 20 adults in the URead MoreIs Fast Food Good Or Bad?1100 Words  | 5 Pagesfood restaurants include items on their menu that are healthy. Foods such as salads, bread products made from whole wheat bread, lean meat, and low-fat foods. If the choice of fried or boiled preparations is given, go for the boiled option. Carbonic drinks are best if avoided when thirsty. Ideal alternatives would be water, real-fruit smoothies, low-fat milk, fruit juices, or diet sodas. It is becoming more and more common to find the nutritional information of the food served (and ingredients usedRead MoreObesity As A Disease Essay1378 Words  | 6 Pages(36.5%) of adults in the United States are obese. Obesity is defined as a weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) is used as a screening tool for overweight and obesity. According to the World Health Organization, worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980. In 2016, 39% of women and 29% of men over the age of 18 were overweight. Today, around one in five children, ages 6-19 are obese. The obesity epidemic only continues to worsen in the United States
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Internship Report of an Islamic Bank(Meezan Bank) in Pakistan
INTRODUCTION WHAT IS BANK? A bank is a financial institution, which deals with money and credit. It accepts deposits from individuals, firm and companies at a lower rate of interest and gives at a higher rate of interest to those who need them. The difference between the terms at which it borrows and those at which it lends from the source of it profit. A bank, thus, is a profit earning institution. HISTORY OF ISLAMIC BANKING IN PAKISTAN 1947 The inception of Pakistan as the first Islamic Republic created in the name of Islam. 1949 The Objectives Resolution was adopted by the first Constituent Assembly based on the ideology of a sovereign Islamic state. This was the first step in the conception towards Pakistan’s Constitution.†¦show more content†¦Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah ââ€" ª Sheikh Essam M. Ishaq ââ€" ª Dr. Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani - Shariah Advisor Board of Directors ââ€" ª H. E. Sheikh Ebrahim Bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa (Chairman) (Undersecretary, Ministry of Finance National Economy,Kingdom of Bahrain) ââ€" ª Naser Abdul Mohsen Al-Marri (Vice Chairman) ââ€" ª Irfan Siddiqui (President Chief Executive Officer) ââ€" ª Istaqbal Mehdi ââ€" ª Mohammed Abdul-Rehman Hussain ââ€" ª Nawid Ahsan ââ€" ª Ariful Islam (Chief Operating Officer) ââ€" ª Rana Ahmed Humayun ââ€" ª Mohammed Azzaroog Rajab ââ€" ª Ahmed Abdul Rahim Mohamed ACHIEVEMENTS CREDIT RATING: Meezan Bank has reaffirmed its entity ratings at A+ for medium to long-term and A1+ for short-term. This rating was made by JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company, which has also set Meezan Bank’s outlook on medium to long-term rating as â€Å"Stable†. The rating is yet another milestone achievement in the Bank’s endeavor to be the Bank. Meezan Bank’s ratings are based on its shareholding with world-renowned financial institutions, pioneering role in the industry, strong management initiatives in continuously introducing various range of Islamic products. The Credit Rating agency JCR-VIS has expressed commendation to Meezan Bank management’s ability to deploy funds in core banking assets, which reflected healthy growth trends last year. FIRST LADIES BANKING IN PAKISTAN: The Bank is the first in the country toShow MoreRelatedInternship Report on Mcb20087 Words  | 81 Pagesin the organizational environment which is dramatically different from the educational environment. That two months period called â€Å"Internship Period†, if spent properly and sincerely, enables the students to be more confident, more knowledgeable, more responsible and, above all, more committed to its work in the practical field. I have also been assigned to do internship of six weeks period in MCB Allama Iqbal Town Branch Lahore. It has enabled me to understand the practical scenario and sharpen our
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nature vs Nurture Do Genes Or Environment Matter More...
In an attempt to understand human behavior, professionals for centuries have looked at the nature vs. nurture theory. While it is known that the physical traits such of eye or hair color have to do with nature, some strongly believe that the way people behave such as in personality and intelligence, have to do with genetic makeup and some believe that people behave a certain way solely due to their environment. Professor Jerome Kagan, from Harvard opened up a brand new world and offers hope for those who behave a certain way. He pointed out that two year old Marjorie unlike other children her age started out shy, a tendency he believed she inherited and while it is true that Marjorie cannot change the fact that she is a girl there are†¦show more content†¦His research also shows that 80 percent of previously shy children was able to conquer their shyness. Later on in life will the new programming be all in vain is the real question. There are no real data for humans yet but Stephen Suomi from the National Institute of child Health and Human Development has good news. He studied monkeys with the same tendency to shyness as that found in humans and discovered that given the right circumstances and instructions, a shy monkey not only will overcome shyness but can even become a leader. The battle is not over because her children are in danger if not trained also. Parents are not hopelessly left in the dark. They can encourage behavior they want to draw out. Non smiling babies should be smiled at constantly and persistently even in cases where the reason for not smiling is physical says Greenspan. Too much emphasis is placed on early childhood say Michael Lewis, director of the institute for the study of Child Develop-merit. He went on to say that there are no guarantees that things will turn out fine for those who had a pleasant ch ildhood since the environment is constantly changing. Robert Cloninger, a professor of psychiatry and genetics, feels that children cannot be control constantly and while there is a place for the research, parents should rely on the one tool that they have and that is their parentalShow MoreRelatedNature vs Nurture: Do Genes Or Environment Matter More? Essay1300 Words  | 6 PagesNature versus nurture has emerged as one of the most heated debates in the 21st century. It is more aligned towards the internal and external factors that comprise human beings behavior. The internal factors are innate and perceived to be genetically revolved as opposed to the external factors that are influenced by the environment and individuals’ experiences. However, scholars in different fields have researched on the relationship between nature and nurture without due success and this has createdRead MoreNature vs Nurture: Do Genes Or Environment Matter More? Essay778 Words  | 4 Pagest o our environment and surroundings. We have all tried to hide our true personality in order to be accepted, and have imitated other people. A person’s personality changes as they are exposed to different situations. Since the person changed, one will find a new way to deal with different situations. After, they might influence their friends to change as well. However, the changes could be on the good side or the bad side. This is how nurture changes us over time. Nurture is the environment that weRead MoreNature vs Nurture: Do Genes Or Environment Matter More? Essay1037 Words  | 5 Pageswill be forever or if the society they grow in creates all of their attributes. This nature versus nurture debate affects many aspects of life, including the treatment of serial killers and psychopaths, and recognition of emotional and mental disorders, the acceptance of homosexuality, and even video game regulation. The nature theory states that only a person’s genes develop their personality, while the nurture theory states that personality is developed only because of the impact of societyRead MoreNature vs Nurture: Do Genes Or Environment Matter More? Essay936 Words  | 4 Pagesour genes, our environment, or in the way we are raised? For years, there has been an on-going debate between nature and nurture. T.H. White, author of The Once and Future King, explores the debate through many of the book’s characters. The issue clearly appears in the relationship of Queen Morgause and her sons, the Orkney brothers. The debate caused people to pick a side, to pick nature over nurture, or nurture over nature. However, it does not have to be one or the other. Nature and nurture workRead MoreNature vs Nurture: Do Genes Or Environment Matter More? Essay566 Words  | 3 Pagesovercame my shyness and I changed into an outgoing person. As many people have begun to pay attention to formation of personality, the debate over nature vs. nurture has raged for a long time and this issue is still controversial. However, as shown the experience above, I believe that people’s personalities are determined by their environment rather than by their genetics for the following reasons. One reason is that people’s personalities are not eternal and their personalities constantly changeRead MoreNature vs Nurture: Do Genes Or Environment Matter More? Essay492 Words  | 2 Pageswhen it deals with the nature and nurture aspects, hearing the word nature and then hearing the word nurture, someone might have to think about which one is which. Plus, which one contributes the most to what kind of person someone will end up being? The overall, nature cannot be changed and nurture can have such a universal variance of inputs that it would be difficult to distinguish which one had the greater influence. Categorizing what is nature can be done by placing nature with the heredity aspectsRead MoreNature vs. Nurture1117 Words  | 5 PagesThe nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in sociology (Davidson, 1991, n.p.). The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetics and environmental factors to human behavior (Davidson, 1991, n.p.). Today, the majority of experts believe that behavior and development are influenced by both nature and nurture (Macionis, 2009, p. 73). The biggest question now is which one affects human development more: nature or nurture? According to Macionis (2009, p. 72), in the pastRead MoreThe Effect Of Environmental And Genetics On The Development Of A Person1000 Words  | 4 PagesOne of these oldest arguments in the history of psychology is the debate of whether or not ones environment or genetic background plays more of a role in the development of a person. Both nature and nurture have been proven to play an important role in one’s development. Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. Nurture is generally taken as the influence of external factors after conception e.g. the product of exposure, experienceRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Debate1332 Words  | 6 PagesNature vs Nurture debate is one of the oldest arguments in the history of psychology. The debate is about to know if our personality and talents come from our parent or environment? The coding of genes in each cell in humans determine the different traits that we have, more physical attributes dominance like ear size, eye colour, , height, hair colour and other traits. However, it is still not known whether the more abstract attributes like, intelligence, sexual orientation, personality, preferencesRead More Postion Paper: Nature Vs. Nurture712 Words  | 3 Pages Position Paper: Nature vs. Nurture nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The controversy of nature vs. nurture has been going on for many years, and a decision has not yet been reached in which one is the most affective. Using the results of the countless tests done, everyday situations, and the twins experiment, I will prove that nature is a larger contributor to the outcome of our personalities than nurture. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Firstly, many psychologists and Universities, such as Harvard,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Nursing Informatics Article Review free essay sample
Review Number Two NRSG 115 October, 31, 2012 Article Review Number Two This article briefly summarizes informatics providing definitions for confusing terminology and what it means for the nursing profession. Nursing informatics is described as the union of nursing science, computer science, and information science. As advances in technology continue, nursing informatics increasingly plays a larger role in patient care and nursing practice (Manal, Shaben, amp; Allen, 2012). By encouraging proficiency in informatics, the authors believe that nurses can improve their knowledge base and confidence in their practice. This competency can lead to a higher quality of care and a safer work environment in the nursing profession (Manal et al. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Informatics Article Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page , 2012). Quote â€Å"However, choosing to ignore the technology does not address the challenges. On the contrary, nurses need to think about technology beyond skills mastery and critically examine how it impacts patient care and nursing practice†(Manal et al. , 2012, p. 14). Paraphrase Nurses should view technology as another tool that is important for the profession and patient care (Manal et al. , 2012, p. 14). Evaluation All three authors are registered nurses. Kelib is a candidate for a PhD and holds two masters; one in business administration and the other in nursing. The remaining authors, Allen and Shaben, both hold masters in nursing. As nurses, they understand the increasingly complex world of technology that is changing the nursing profession, and why it is important for nurses to be competent in it. Two of the nurses provided their email addresses in the article for those interested in being a part of the Informatics Specialty Practice Group for Alberta nurses, which leads me to believe that they are very involved and obviously up-to-date in the world of nursing informatics. This article was published in spring of 2012. I believe it is one of the most current articles on the subject. It doesn’t dive into the specifics of informatics which is a constantly evolving field. Instead it focuses on the importance of understanding what informatics is and why it is important in nursing practice. Since it is such a quick and generalized overview, I believe it is as relevant as it was 6 months ago. This article was geared towards registered nurses, particularly those that work in Canada. I also believe that this article is applicable to anyone in the nursing profession. I do think that this information is relevant to me as a student. It is a very simple article that presents to the reader a brief description of informatics in language I understand. This information provides me insight into the importance and impact that the evolving world of technology has on nursing. The authors quote a professional opinion from one reference and cite references throughout the text to support their conclusions. The first section of the article defines health informatics and terminology related to literacy. All the definitions and facts are cited and referenced. The second half of the article provides an expert opinion as to why informatics is important to nursing. This article uses eight references. Four of the references were published within the past 6 years and the other half dates back from 1996-2003. I do consider this bibliography useful because this article is such a brief overview of informatics and I would like to learn more. I realize how important informatics is to nursing practice and the reference list provides great resources to expand my knowledge on the subject. This article was found on the CINAHL database provided by the Renne Library website. I went under advanced search options and narrowed the search by selecting the box, first author is a nurse, and limited the date of publication to no later than five years ago. I entered informatics into the find box. I think this is an expert opinion article because it is not peer reviewed. It does not include the required abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion section that research articles have. It does cite other research articles and papers related to informatics to provide evidence for their opinion. References Kleib, M. , Shaben, T. , amp; Allen, D. (2012). Lost in translation. Alberta RN, 68(1), 12-14. Retrieved from
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